
Kyoto Protocal a missed opportunity for Calwell Industry

Wednesday, 16 February 2005 is a very important day in history. After 15 years of negotiation – the Kyoto Protocol – will finally come into force. From 16 February, 140 nations around the world will take action together to tackle climate change - the greatest threat to the health of the planet and the long term security of all nations.

This week Maria Vamvakinou, the Federal Member for Calwell spoke out in Parliament on the issue, calling on John Howard to ratify the Kyoto Protocol on climate change. Most Australians, including the people of my electorate, know that ratification of the Kyoto Protocol on climate change is in Australia’s national interest and necessary for safeguarding the health of the planet.

In Parliament Maria high-lighted the fact that: “There is now an indisputable international consensus of scientific opinion that the currently increasing levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, if continued, would lead to a significant rise in global temperatures over the next century.”

“In 1997 the Prime Minister proclaimed the Protocol was: “a win for the environment and a win for Australian jobs”. Now he thinks Australia can act alone to address the most serious challenge facing the global community. I believe the Prime Minister was right in 1997, but he’s wrong now.”

“John Howard’s failure to ratify the Protocol is a missed opportunity for our country and a missed opportunity for our local manufacturers in Calwell because they’ll be denied the opportunity to be involved in the Global Carbon-trading system, putting them at a competitive disadvantage to manufacturers in other countries.”

“The Government’s refusal to ratify has put at risk many job and investment opportunities. This decision isolates us from the economic opportunities arising from emissions trading and renewable energy. Australia is giving the world a jump start in entry to a dynamic driving force of 21st century economies. The investment will simply go elsewhere.” Said Ms Vamvakinou

“The Kyoto Protocol is an essential first step and shows what can be done when the international community works together. It is a global solution to a global problem.”

“Human-induced climate change is bigger than any one politician or political party — it goes to the heart of what kind of world we will be leaving to our children and grandchildren” said Maria.